Punch 3 - Communication and Praise

Communication and Praise
Clear, age appropriate communication along with a good sense of humor will go a long way in getting and keeping your child's interest. Use humor as much as possible! When we laugh our defenses are down and we feel connected to the people we are laughing with. Laughter is a great tool for remembering material and enriching our relationships at the same time.

There are books, articles and teachings galore out these days debating all of the psychological ways to praise and not to praise our kids. Debates about wether to say or not to say things like, "I'm proud of you.", "Good job!" or "Well done."  If you have read these teachings and heed to these "new" advices out there, then hold on tight, I may offend you. Call me old school, but GIVE ME A BREAK!! Who in the world doesn't want to hear "Good job!" or "I'm proud of you." ESPECIALLY  from their own parent, PU-LEASE! As adults we still need that, we long for it from our boss', our spouses' and guess what, as our kids get older we will long for it back from them. Kids, heck, human beings need to be praised and so long as it is coming from your heart, from a genuine place, the words are secondary. Ok, off my soap box now, sorry.

So, here are some really helpful, inspiring, encouraging, motivating, maybe old school phrases to help keep you fresh and your kid feeling good. This may be a good section to print and keep handy for reference.

And at the top of my list "I'M PROUD OF YOU!"
- Way to go champ!
- You rock!
- Awesome!
- That is so cool, you did that so well.
- WOW, you did that?
- SOOO great!
- That's what i'm talking about
- You are very smart, you understand so much.
- Way to learn!
- You are on fire today!
- Niiiice, very nice
- Swell (had to put that in there, it's just so fun to say, makes me laugh every time)
- Right!
- (gasp) We have got to show mommy/daddy that.
- That's right! You are getting it.
and yes - Well done! and Good job!

- Only say the sounds you see
- Let's try that again
- Close, it's (give the sound or word)
- Actually, it's this
- I think you know this, try again
- (instead of saying "no" try a sound as a que) 

Child not responding
- It's OK if you do not know something. If you don't know then I get to teach and you get to learn, we both get to do our jobs. My job is to teach, your job is to learn.
- I will tell you the answer, then we will take a break and try again.
- Did you forget or do you not know it? (forgot = tell them, doesn't know it = tell them)
- We are not in a hurry, take your time and think about it. 
- We'll come back to that one.
- Maybe I didn't teach you that yet.
- Let me try teaching that a better way.

When it comes to teaching, remember it's mostly about good clear communication. You know your child; listen and watch, find a grove, avoid a rut. Keep it real!

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