Letter Pronunciation

Critical Pronunciations
When teaching phonetic sounds it is imperative to be precise. When we spell we are translating our hearing into written sounds. If I hear "buh" I will be prone to write "buh" instead if "b" when that is what was intended.

We have sounds we can hold as with "mmmmm", and sounds we can not as with "t". We have sounds that use the voice box, again with "mmmmm" or with  "vvvvv" and sounds that use air, like a whisper, again with "t" or with "p".

Phonetic Letter Pronunciation Key:
VH = uses Voice box and can be Held
VQ = uses Voice box Quickly, can not be held
AH = uses Air, no voice box and can be Held
AQ = uses Air Quickly, no voice box can not be held

Aa = VH - be sure to drop the jaw with the short sound to emphasize the difference from short "e" 
Bb = VQ - important to practice a short quick "b" and not to add uh, as in "buh"
Cc = AQ - do not add "uh", it is quick
Dd = VQ - do not add "uh", it is quick
Ee = VH - try to make a bit of a smile with the short sound to emphasize the difference from short "i"
Ff = AH
Gg = VQ - Do not add "uh", it is quick
Hh = AQ(H) - h can be held with a long breathe but be careful not to hold it adding "uh" with the voice box
Ii = VH
Jj = VQ - do not add "uh", it is quick
Kk = AQ - do not add "uh", it is quick
Ll = VH - Do not start the sound with 'u' as in uulllll, the tongue should be in place behind/against the upper teeth before sound is expelled. Also, do not add an ending sound
Mm = VH
Nn = VH
Oo = VH - be sure to drop the jaw with the short sound to emphasize the difference from short "u"
Pp = AQ - do not add "uh", it is quick
Qq = AQ - as in kww
Rr = VH - Do not add "e" as in "eerrrrr", or "uh as in "rruh". Use a word in your mind like rrrainbow, begin the word and just hold the r.
Ss = AH
Tt = AQ - do not add "uh", it is quick, think of the sound at the end of sat, or mat
Uu = VH
Vv = VH - do not add "uh" as an ending, just stop the sound
Ww = VH - do not add "uh" as an ending, just stop the sound
Xx = AQ - say this like "ks"
Yy = VH - it is more like yyyee than yyuh
Zz = VH